17 Customer service interview questions and answers

What is Customer service?

Customer service is the bedrock of a business’s relationship with its clients. It includes answering questions, fixing problems, and making sure customers are happy. Effective customer service goes beyond transactions; it’s about building trust and loyalty. It encompasses communication, problem-solving, and a genuine commitment to meeting customer needs. Whether through phone support, live chat, or face-to-face interactions, exceptional customer service leaves a lasting impression, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth. It’s a dynamic interplay of empathy, responsiveness, and expertise that transforms a one-time buyer into a loyal booster for a brand or service.

Are you getting ready for a job in customer service? That’s great! Here are 11 questions and answers from real customer service interviews that you can use to get ideas for your answers. Let’s start:

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17 Customer Service Interview Questions and Answers

1) What do you think is the most important feature for a representative in customer service to have, and why?

Answer example: Good speaking skills are the most important thing for a customer service rep to have. Ability to successfully communicate in writing and verbally with clients, other representatives, and management is essential.

From personal experience, I can attest that clear and constant lines of communication are crucial for satisfying clients and meeting their expectations.

2. When a client makes an unreasonable request, how would you respond?

Here’s how I may respond: I’d tell the client why they can’t have what they want and offer some suggestions. I would also research whether any additional resources or services could better address their concerns.

3. Have you worked with customer service tools before?

As an example answer, I have a lot of knowledge of Salesforce, Zendesk, and Desk.com, among other customer service software. I’m familiar with each system’s features and know how to use them well to meet customer needs quickly.

4. What do you do when you can’t answer a question?

As an example, When something like this happens, the first thing I do is look for the answer anywhere I can find it. If this doesn’t help, I’ll ask the customer to wait while I find someone who can give them a more detailed answer.

5. What would you say to a person who isn’t happy with the service they got?

This is an example of an answer: I would say sorry for the customer’s experience and look into why it happened. I suggest ways to fix the problem and offer any extra help that might be needed.

I would also check in with the customer again after fixing their problem to make sure they were still happy with the result.

6. What would you do if a customer was rude or argued with you?

I would stay polite and try to explain to the customer why their behaviour is unacceptable if they are being rude or hostile. Along with suggestions for how to fix the problem, I would also offer other ways to communicate, like email or the phone.

7. How do you process orders from more than one customer at the same time?

Example answer: The first thing I would do is put them in order of how important they are. Then, I would make a schedule for each job with reasonable due dates and make sure I kept in touch with each customer on a regular basis to let them know how their request was going.

Also, when needed, I would give jobs to other team members to make sure that all requests are met quickly.

8. In terms of client service, what do you think is most important to you?

To give an example answer, my biggest strength in customer service is that I can stay calm and professional even when things get tough. Also, I can quickly come up with solutions that meet the wants of the customer while thinking on my feet.

In addition, I’m very good at talking to people and solving problems, which helps me connect with customers and answer their problems quickly.

9. What do you do to make sure that all of your customers are treated properly and equally?

All customers, no matter what their problems are, should be treated with care and given the same amount of attention. I always make time to listen to what each customer has to say and make sure I’m giving them the correct information. 

I always write down everything I say to customers, too, just in case I need to remember something.

10. Can you tell me about a time when you forgot to help a customer?

Example Answer: I once handled a return wrong, which made it take longer for the customer to get their money back. I apologized right away and fixed the problem, keeping the customer informed the whole time. I also did things to make sure that mistakes like that wouldn’t happen again.

11. What can you offer this team that no one else can?

Good answer: My experience with customer service and good speaking skills make me a great fit for this job.

Besides that, I know a lot about customer service tools and can quickly learn how to use new ones. I’m also different from other applicants because I can think quickly and professionally and deal with tough scenarios.

12. How can you make things better for an unhappy person?

Dealing with issues from unhappy customers is one of the many things that a customer service rep has to do. The person hiring you will probably want to know that you have the skills and manners to handle these situations well. You can use experience to help you answer if you have solved a problem like this before.

I’ve found that constantly listening to what a customer is saying is the best way to turn an unhappy customer into a happy customer. A customer may only want you to listen to them and make them feel like the business cares about what they have to say. 

13. Tell me about a time when you worked with a friend to solve a problem.

Customer service jobs often depend on being able to work well with others. The person hiring you might want to know if you get along with others and if you can talk to them well enough to work on projects with them. Make sure you fully explain the problem, your actions, and your coworker’s contributions when you tell your story.

“After a new product came out, we had a very busy day, and one of our point-of-sale machines broke down, making the lines to pay for things longer.” I talked about the problem with another person, and we agreed that one of us would work the last POS system, and the other would walk down the line, greeting customers and giving them a coupon to thank them for their patience.

14. Why do you want to work with customer service?

If you want the job, the hiring manager wants to know that you’re serious about it and enjoy the tasks. Tell them the truth about why you want the job when you answer.

“I love this company and I’m really interested in helping people.” I’m excited to have the chance to work here because I’ve wanted to for a long time. I’m really interested in the work you do here so I can help customers with their questions and worries while also doing a good job for the company.

15. What do you think about the goods and services our business offers?

Recruiters may ask this question to see if you know what the company does and what it sells. Before your interview, you should uncover as much as you can concerning the company. When you answer, be honest about why you like the product or service after you describe it.

“Finding workout clothes that are supportive and last a long time is really important to me because I work out every day.” I love that all of the things this company makes are well-thought-out and made to last. I have a lot of pieces from that brand, so I can really show people how good they are.

16. In five years, what do you desire to do?

Hiring managers want to know what you want to do with your work. The company may be looking for someone who wants to stay with the company and move up the ranks, depending on the job. When you answer, be honest about your work path and think about how this job will help you reach your goals.

Say something like, “In five years, I’d love to be a manager at this company.” I believe that working in customer service is very important because it will help me understand what people need and want. Because I like having responsibilities at work as a customer service rep, this job is a great fit for my future goals.

17. How would you handle a bad customer in your knowledge?

Customers may sometimes need correct information. When this happens, you need to be very careful how you handle things. Hiring managers want to see that you can handle problems and clear up misunderstandings with customers in a polite way. If you have one, use a real-life example in your answer.

One time, I helped a customer who wanted to use a coupon that we no longer took. They kept telling me they were right and I was wrong because they didn’t like that I wouldn’t take the ticket. After recognizing how frustrated they were, I told them that the coupon was no longer valid and gave them some other discount choices.

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Important abilities and characteristics of a good customer service rep

There are a few key skills and traits you need to have in order to do well in customer service. To give you some examples:

Talking to each other and fixing problems

Any person who works in customer service needs to be able to communicate clearly. You should be able to pay close attention to people, understand what they’re saying, and fix the problem.

Active listening means giving the person your full attention and writing things down if you need to. This indicates that you actually desire to help them.

  • Clarity: Talk to your customers clearly and straightforwardly. Only use jargon from your business that they might understand.
  • Empathy: Show that you understand and care about how the person feels and what they’re going through.
  • You need to be able to solve problems to be good at customer service because you have to help people with their problems in real life. Some essential items to think about are:
  • Being responsible means owning up to the customer’s issue and figuring out a way to fix it.
  • Teamwork is working with others to find an answer to a problem that you need help solving on your own.
  • Making decisions means looking at all the information you have in order to make smart choices and come up with good answers.

Learn more about the company

Always take the time to learn about the company you are going to. Learn about their services, products, and business culture as a whole.

You can tailor your answers during the interview to show that you are genuinely interested in working for them by using what you’ve learned. Pay attention to things like

  • History and goals of the company.
  • Important goods, services, and stores.
  • Rules and objectives for customer service.
  • Industry stories and trends that matter.

Get more proficient at answering.

Next, it’s important to practice how to answer common interview questions in customer service, like the ones above. This will show that you know what you’re talking about, have experience, and can handle different situations that might come up in a customer service job. As you get ready, remember these things:

  • Think about examples from your past to show what you can do.
  • Show how well you can work with others and solve problems.
  • Stress how well you can communicate and how flexible you are.
  • Connect your answers to the goods or services that the company offers.

Wrapping up

Now you know the 17 questions and answers for the customer service interview. Use them to get ready for your next job.

Remember to talk about how you can help the company, show that you care about customers, and show off your conversation and problem-solving skills.

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